Affordable Housing

Golden Rainbow's Affordable Housing Program provides long-term and transitional housing to low income individuals and families affected by HIV/AIDS who have had challenges securing safe, affordable places to live.

Golden Rainbow owns and maintains various Las Vegas real estate properties consisting of apartment buildings and single family homes. Our housing serves as a midpoint for clients managing their disease and a stepping stone for re-entering society. The units are affordable and designed to be a place where our residents can feel at home, maintain medical care and resume a normal life.

Housing / UTILITY Assistance

For many people living with HIV, a sudden illness or unexpected medical bill can be financially devastating. Golden Rainbow provides financial assistance in the form of one-time payments of rent to prevent eviction due to their medical condition. 

Golden Rainbow also assists low income individuals and families with HIV/AIDS who suddenly find themselves without a place to call home by providing financial support in the form of security deposits and move-in expenses.

All persons seeking to obtain these services through Golden Rainbow must qualify as low-income (0-80% of area median income and/or household income not to exceed 400% of the Federal Poverty level) and must be pre-screened by a case manager from one of our partner agencies.